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Besøkssenter våtmark Jæren

Våre tre avdelinger: Kvassheim, Orre og Mostun.
Kontor- og postadresse: Mostun, Henrik Ibsens gate 59, 4021 Stavanger

Tlf.: +47 977 12 253
Epost: post@bvj.no


Plakat 5 – EN

The Jæren wetlands The rivers, marshlands, lakes and mudflats of Jæren have a magical attraction for all kinds of birds. Here, they find food and a place to rest on migration to and from their overwintering areas. Mild winters tempt many to overwinter both on the...

Plakat 4 – EN

Plant and animal life A field of flowers behind the dunes.Photo: Erik Thoring It’s not difficult to see why people flock to the dune landscapes and magnificent sea views at Solastranden. We share these landscapes with an amazing diversity of plant and animal life....

Plakat 3 – EN

Back dunes and inter-dune troughs Dune heathland north of the hotel.Photo: Espen Mills The landscape in front of you is known as a dune heathland. On the left you can see the belt of front dunes that rise from the beach. The landscape is dominated by heather, with wet...

Plakat 2 – EN

A landscape conservation area The Jæren coastline is Norway’s most popular recreation area with more than a million visitors every year. The Jæren Coast Landscape Conservation Area extends from Tungevågen in Randaberg to Sirevåg in Hå. Here you will find Norway’s...

Plakat 1 – EN

The story of Solastranden The Solastrand hotel around 1960.Photo: Sola Historical Society Four ingredients illustrate the recent history of Sola’s coastline (Solastranden) – moving sand, tourism, an airport and war. Although this great landscape has gradually been...